Wednesday, January 18, 2012

On Trying To Annoy Emmy

Because sometimes it makes the day go by faster.  Sometimes it's just good fun.

Emmy is home sick from school today and yesterday for the first time ever.  It seems like some sort of momentous occasion that I should clearly blog about.  Absent milestone - check.
She just has a regular old cold, I think she's milking it a bit today, but I'm rolling with it.
She is not too devastated about having to stay home so far.

After lunch I started asking her if she missed school, to which she replied:
A little bit yes, and a little bit no.
I then asked her if she missed her teachers, to which she replied:
Mooommm, I already answered your question, I'm busy now.
I of course followed up with, Do you miss any of your friends? To which she replied:
Stop talking to me!
To which I replied:  Do you miss journaling?
Mooommm, don't talk to me.  I told you 4 times now!
To which I replied:  Do you miss anyone specific, Trevor?  Carly?
Mom!  Don't talk to me again until after dinner!
So you know I had to say:  Okay, too bad I was going to ask you if you wanted dessert?  Oh well.
Which of course made her say:  Waaiiitttt!  I am talking to you, I want to talk to you....Mooooom!
So then I was forced to ask:  So what is it exactly that you do miss at school?
I thought you wanted to talk about dessert.

Oh man, sometimes parenting is just too good. 

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