Tuesday, January 10, 2012

My Little Candy Stripers

Something that would probably be diagnosed professionally as "pure evil", took over my being this weekend and these two little ladies were a little taken aback by it all.
They weren't quite sure what to make of their sad crumpled up on the sofa Mama at first, and by the time they had heard me reject (gasp!) Starbucks as sounding (double gasp!) gross, they had to take measures into their own hands. 
While Drew, who was also sick, but not in quite the hit by a semi truck kind of way I was - thank you honey for believing in the flu vaccine when I flatly rejected it - kept the girls entertained in the basement or outside, they each would come in and check on me in their own individual ways. 
Rosa would creep up beside me and whisper hi mommy, you feel better? and pat me on the head, the arm, the face, in the gentlest way.
Emmy periodically brought me little things to make me feel better, like drawings, a box of tissues, Drew's Forbes magazine (I am healed!). 
They are quite the nurturing duo those two.  Drew is my hero, and I am finally on the mend.
Lesson learned.  If you must get sick, make sure you have 1) awesome husband 2) sweet children who will make you smile in between your mumblings about impending death and 3) reject your favorite coffee drink so many times that said awesome husband will actually think it's a good thing and not just a waste of money when you want it again. 

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