Friday, July 22, 2011

Does anyone else REALLY hate the shopping carts at IKEA?

Is it just me?  I have an inexplicable disdain for the shopping carts there.  If you've never been, they are multi-directional/roller-ball style.  Impossible to steer around displays without putting a lot of muscle into it.  Especially when you have 60+lbs of kid and awkwardly shaped boxes stuffed in there.  Or maybe it's because I was holding half of the 60lbs in one arm and trying to steer with the other...yeah...I think that might have affected my mood.  Or maybe the 25 minute screaming fit that required me to hold her since she was about to fling herself out of the cart.  She would do it too.  Just to call my bluff.
You can probably guess which one I'm referring to.  She also got a time-out on a toilet that was in a bathroom show room.  Classy, yes?  Someone didn't want to leave the play area.  A lot.
Did you know IKEA really echos?  Like the Grand Canyon man.

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