Thursday, November 3, 2011

Fiesta Puyesta

There was some popular song back in 2001, when Drew and I were in Germany (so young and naive, I actually asked my boss if I could have a 3 month "leave" to go to Europe with my bf.  Really?  Who did I think I was?  It totally worked, though, score!) that had the words Fiesta Fiesta, but Drew insisted INSISTED that they were saying Fiesta Puyesta so emphatically that it became this "thing" that we (he) said all the time.  These things can happen when living abroad and only having 1 person that you can speak with on any intelligent level.

 This is not a story of our intellectual conversations though.  It is actually not even a story about our trip to Germany, though that would be interesting.  Possibly more interesting than this story, which isn't really a story at all but just an announcement that I feel I have just ran a marathon.  Why, you ask?  Because I am finally done with the Fall Teachers Appreciation Luncheon Mexican Fiesta!  Ole! (I'm too tired to bother with the accent).  Have I accomplished more difficult things in my life?  Eh.  Maybe.  Am I being a bit melodramatic?  Yep.  I find it much more fun then being "calm" or "rational" - whatevs Drew.  Sanity is totally overrated.

**As I type this, Emmy is supposed to be in quiet time out here in the family room on the cuddler chair.  (quiet time = no talking, brain rest).  She is doing everything in her power to make constant noise without actually "talking".  Right now she's been making the tick-toc noise with her tongue for the last several minutes.  I'm kind of curious how long she can do that.

Anyways, my brain is so fried from this Fiesta, that I have made no less than 457 typos in this blog post.  Really.  Okay, not really.  457 is just my go to number, as in "Emmy, I have told you 457 times not to remove any items from the hutch!".  It just comes out.  Maybe those numbers have some subconscious meaning to me.  Let's not delve into that now.  Where was I?

Oh yeah, so this luncheon actually went amazingly well, and the teachers all raved about it.  Yay!  Despite the fact that the director of the school failed to mention to the construction crew (major church renovations going on) that we were having a party upstairs.  Long story short (my irony is your friend)  we had to lead all of the teachers through a convoluted pathway through the "prep" kitchen and I can only assume piles of asbestos to get to their Fiesta. 


** She broke me.  I tried valiantly to ignore her, but she finally got me to laugh whilst blowing kisses loudly to me for about 5 minutes.  I can only take so much.

So, the Fiesta Puyesta is over. All's well that ends well, right?  You are probably wondering why I have inserted a bunch of random Halloween photos into this unrelated story.  Right? 
Well, that's because...

There. Are. No. Words.

ps - If you are wondering, Drew and I went as "Dinner and a Movie".  And yes, everyone thought Drew looked cute and that I was just a wino carrying around my dinner while the kids trick-or-treated.

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