Tuesday, April 12, 2011


This picture perfectly captures their decidedly different personalities.  Emmy; completely in control, hair pulled back, apron on, delicately using a minimal amount of paint and not getting a speck on her.  And then there's Rosa; bent down as close to the canvas as possible, hair in her face, brush bristles fanned out from the force of her strokes, foot fully dipped in green paint from an earlier attempt at stomping on the canvas...
Legend has it there exists another pair of sisters with equally opposite personalities (or so I've been told 1 or 1000 times).  This is great news for future family game nights as everyone knows that this kind of genetic combination is UNSTOPPABLE and cannot be beaten.  Finally Angie and I will have some proper competition.  Bring on the Pictionary.  Mom, grab a martini - you'll need it.
*In case you're wondering, I'm the well thought out, ever prepared, super organized one. 

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