Monday, March 26, 2012

I Scream You Scream

I think it looks like Rosa is dictating what Emmy should be doing to better serve their customers.
Which really just makes perfect sense, because Rosa fancies herself CEO of all operations.
And yeah,  Emmy is wearing her pajamas to the mall.
My battles are wisely chosen these days.
One day when she tries to go to the mall in a too short mini and I refuse to let her,
and she threatens to run away because I'm mean,
I will remind her that I used to let her wear her pj's about town.
And then I'll show her this photo and threaten to use it as my Facebook photo and then
post almost constant messages of my great love for her on her page.
Until she tells me she loves me and then changes into sweat pants.


  1. i'd let my boys wear jammies all day when they were babies. and if they really wanted!

    1. Ha! I'd wear my jammies all day if I could get away with it;)
